The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection received a much-needed HD texture pack which improves the visuals of the second and third entries in the series.
The new packs, which are now available on Nexus Mods, feature AI-upscaled textures two and four times their original resolution. In some cases, the upscaling process brightened some of the textures, but it is undeniable that they look much better than the original textures, especially at the higher resolutions enabled by another recent mod.
The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 includes the first three entries in the series, originally released on PlayStation consoles, and the two classic Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. While another volume of the collection has yet to be announced, it seems like Konami is indeed planning to release one, as not only new versions of Peace Walker and Guns of the Patriots, were heavily hinted at earlier this year but also were datamined last week when the collection released worldwide. The surprising mention of the fifth entry in the series in the files may also suggest some sort of updated release, as the game is already available on Steam and can be fully played on current-generation consoles.
The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 is now available on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Nintendo Switch worldwide.